一、 Don't worry. 别担心。(劝告对方别担忧)
a. — Is my illness serious? 我的病严重吗?
— Don't worry. You'll be well soon. 别担心,你很快就会好的。
b. — Can I pass the exam? 我能通过这次考试吗?
— Don't worry. I think you can. 别担心,我认为你能通过。
二、 Don't be afraid. 别担心。(劝告对方别担心)
a. — Will he agree to see me? 他会同意见我吗?
— Don't be afraid. 别担心。
b. — Will the exam be very difficult? 考试会很难吗?
— Don't be afraid. 别担心。
三、 It'll be OK/all right. 行,没问题。(使对方放心)
a. — Will my plan work? 我的计划会起作用吗?
— It'll be OK/all right. 没问题。
b. — Will the meeting succeed? 会议会成功吗?
— It'll be OK/all right. 没问题。
四、 It's all right. 没问题。(请对方宽心)
a. — Will you help me with my Engli**? 你会帮助我学英语吗?
— That's all right. 没问题。
b. — Will the car pass the test? 汽车能通过检验吗?
— It's all right. 没问题。
五、 Well done! 干得不错!(肯定、鼓励对方工作)
a. — What do you think of my article ?你认为我的文章怎么样?
— Well done. 写得不错。
b. — Is my work OK? 我的工作还行吗?
— Well done. 干得不错。
六、 You can do it! 你肯定行!(肯定对方能力)
a. — I'm afraid I can't pass the exam. 恐怕这次考试我过不了关。
— You can do it! 你肯定行!
b. — I wonder whether I can finish the task in time. 我不知道是否能及时完成这项任务。
— You can do it! 你肯定行!
七、 Come on! 别灰心。(劝告对方别灰心)
a. — I'm afraid I can't succeed. 恐怕我难以成功。
— Come on! 别灰心。
b. — I'll not learn English any longer. I can't remember all these words. 我不想学英语了,我记不住这么多单词。
— Come on! 别灰心。